
Showing posts from January, 2020

Our Jordan Eats

Jordanian food here we come!

Marḥaba! Lisa here and I will be writing on what we ate in Jordan, from Jordanian food to authentic Bedouin food! Let's get to it!

Amman eats: Hashems for Hummus and Falafels
We arrived at Amman downtown at 4:30pm and were keen to try out the local food. Our hostel cl…

Exploring Petra's lost past and the sandy desert Wadi Rum.

What we did in the kingdom of Petra and the Great desert Wadi Rum
Marḥaba! Lisa here for our guide on what we did to see the famous UNESCO site Petra and Wadi Rum. I will also have additional information on the small town Wadi Musa. Let's get to it!

Petra is a Nabataean caravan-city. Nabataeans…